GSM/GPRS Alarm Communicators
– (HH) next message time - Select the time at which you wish to send the next periodic SMS. The interval for these
values may be set between 0 and 23.
– (DD) next message day - Select the day on which you wish to send the next periodic SMS. The interval for these
values may be set between 0 and 365.
Update time:
Select this icon to get local date and time from the PC.
If the Communicator is not receiving power from an external supply connected to terminal [+V], when the
power supply is restored it will have to be reprogrammed, otherwise the periodic SMS message schedule
may NOT be applied correctly.
Voice Message (BGSM-120 series only)
This section can be used to manage the recording and replaying of voice messages. The number of voice messages to be
transmitted, and their duration, can be set via the “
Voice Dialer
page”. To open the voice message archive, click the icon
to the left of the
RECORD button
, on the right-hand side of the field “
WAV File#1
The transmitter only supports WAVE audio files (.WAV), with a maximum duration of 16 seconds and with the
following specifications: PCM, 8000 Hz, 8 bit, Mono, non-compressed. Prerecorded files fulfilling the
abovementioned requirements may be used.
PLAY button
- Press to listen to the voice message again.
RECORD button
- Press to start recording a new voice message.
STOP button
- Press to stop replaying or recording a voice message.
GET button
- Press to load the recorded voice message.
SET button
- Press to send the recorded voice message to the Communicator.
ERASE button
- Press to delete the voice message.
When recording a message, a progress bar indicates (in real time) the time elapsed.
Local Voice Message Recording
To record a voice message from a telephone (which must have a touch-tone keypad), enable the
Local Service Mode
proceed as follows:
Press the
Press the
buttons in sequence to enter record mode;
Enter the number of the message you wish to record (between
After the beep, record your voice message (the maximum duration of the message is 16 seconds).
Press the
button to confirm message recording (or press the
button again if you wish to stop recording the message
before the full amount of time has elapsed); you will hear a boop tone.
At this moment, any previous recordings for this message will be DELETED;
If you need to record any other messages, repeat the procedure described in step
Local Voice Message Replaying
To replay a voice message (the telephone must have a touch-tone keypad), enable the
Local Service Mode
and proceed as follows:
Press the
button ;
Press the
buttons in sequence to enter replay mode;
Enter the number of the message you wish to replay (between
After the beep, the message will be replayed, followed by a confirmation boop tone (press the key
to stop the
message playing);
If you need to replay any other messages, repeat the procedure described in step