ATIS TOP - Fancier
Gantner Pigeon Systems GmbH
It`s only in these antenna coils (fields) that the chip-code-ring is read (registered). Due to
physical laws there are neutral zones between the fields resp. antenna coils where reading
out is impossible.
3.6 Antenna
Loft antennas are supplied in different sizes.
In every loft antenna there are several
antenna coils to read out the chip-code-ring .The big Loft Antenna (SAN 765) is equipped
with 8 antenna coils (4 fields), the mid Loft Antenna (SAN 475) with 6 antenna coils (3
fields) and the smallest Antenna with 2 coils (1 field). It`s only in these antenna coils
(fields) that the chip-code-ring is read (registered).
Due to physical laws there are neutral zones between the fields resp. antenna coils where
reading out is impossible. There are rollers between the fields that have the proper size to
prevent the pigeons from moving between the fields and only within the fields. This
measure makes sure that the pigeons pass over an antenna coil at any rate.
3.7 Distribution
If more than 2 Loft Antennas are connected you need a distribution box. It is provided with
4 exits on one side for the antennas and with 1 outlet on the other side for connection to
the T-adaptor of the ATIS TOP and 1 connection outlet for a transformer.
3.8 Transformer
Connect (plug) the transformer to the electricity supply system (230 V) and it provides the
required low voltage current (approx. 12 V DC ) to supply the ATIS-TOP, the T-adaptor and
the loft antennas.
3.9 Connection
With the connection cable the loft antenna is connected to the T-adaptor and so to the