ATIS TOP - Fancier
Gantner Pigeon Systems GmbH
The bottom side of the ring is rounded off to avoid chafing of the pigeon foot by the ring.
The chip-code-ring is not provided with a battery and is only activated when it gets in
contact with the loft antenna or club antenna.
3.13 Printer
With the help of a printer connected to the ATIS TOP various lists can be printed out. In
principle any up-to-date matrix printer, ink jet or laser printer with parallel interface that is
recommended by the ATIS-dealer the ATIS-customer service is suitable.
3.14 Interface Converter
The interface converter is switched between the ATIS TOP resp. the T-adaptor and the
printer. It converts the signals and the reports for the parallel interface of the printer. The
interface converter can also be used to connect a PC to the ATIS TOP.