Gantner Pigeon Systems GmbH
Copyright 2001 by GANTNER ELECTRONIC GMBH, Schruns (Austria).
Operating instructions, manuals and software are protected by copyright. All
rights reserved. Copying, duplication, translation, conversion into any electronic medium or
any machine-readable form, as a whole or in parts, is not permitted, with the exception of
making a back-up copy of the software for saving purposes, as far as this is technically
feasible and is recommended by our company. Contravention will lead to compensation.
Limitation of Liability:
GANTNER ELECTRONIC GMBH products are not designed,
intended, or authorized for use as components and medical systems, or other applications
indeed to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the
GANTNER ELECTRONIC GMBH product(s) could create a situation where personal injury or
death may occur. Any claims against GANTNER ELECTRONIC GMBH in connection with the
hardware and software products described in this manual can exclusively be based on the
terms and conditions of warranty. Any further claims are excluded, in particular GANTNER
ELECTRONIC GMBH does not grant any warranty as to the correctness of the contents of
this manual. We reserve the right of making changes without advanced notice. The manual is
not a general instruction for the pigeon sport, it describes exclusively the general handling
of the ATIS TOP system.
Trade Marks:
Without listing details, we want to point out the usage of terms, brands,
labels and registered trade marks, in particular those of Microsoft Corporation, International
Business Machines Corporation and Intel Corporation.
This user manual does not claim to be complete nor to be free from mistakes, errors or
omissions. Neither is it a general instruction for the pigeon sport, but it describes exclusively
the general handling of the ATIS TOP system.