12. FlowStar² Controller Software
FlowStar2 LB 514
Chromeleon 6.8
Chromeleon 7.x
By selecting the contex
t menu function “Add Device” (“Add Mod-
ule” in CHROMELEON 7.x) a list of devices is indicated. Select
as manufacturer “Berthold” to get a list of supported instruments.
Select the
item “FlowStar” from the list of devices and click
to continue.
After a while the driver configuration dialog pops up to enter spe-
cific parameters.
When the FlowStar² is connected to the local PC where Chro-
meleon is running, retain all default values for the address, com-
mand port and data port. If "Use Foreign Host” is activated the
hostname of the PC must be entered on which the FlowStar² con-
troller runs. Port numbers should not be changed. Click on