Inside of Building
Install metal hangers to the tie plate with 6d
common nails . The opening should line up with
the 'X' mark, the bottom of the opening, flush
with the 2x4 tie plate. Detail 'D'.
Step 17 Install 2x4 Tie Plates
Install (3) three 72" long 2x4s over the soffit panels on the back wall. Install the 2x4s
flush with the inside of the back wall. Use 10d sinkers. Cut to fit a 2x4-4' to finish.
Repeat process to install 2x4 tie plates on the front wall.
Back Wall Panels
Step 18 Layout Roof Trusses
Layout the truss spacing from the left sidewall of the building. Measure from the backside
of the 2x4 gable frame when marking the location of the first truss. Continue 24" spacing
to other gable. Important: When marking the opposite wall, place the 'X' mark on the same
side of the line so your trusses are parallel when they are installed.
Measure From
Backside of 2x4
Detail 'D'
2x4 Tie Plate