background image


c) Components of the colourful learning microscope

Carefully study the picture, and get yourself acquainted with the different components of your microscope.

d) Accessories


The set contains food colour and sharp instruments! Children are only allowed to do experiments and slide 

preparations when supervised by adults!



a) Preparation  

Please read this text carefully before using the microscope. Familiarise yourself with the individual components of the 


Installing the batteries: 

Detach the eyepiece from the lens tube and turn the microscope. Open the battery holder at the bottom and insert 3 batteries 

type AA (Mignon LR6) (not included) as indicated. Shut the battery holder and reinstall the eyepiece.
Always put your microscope on an even underground, such as a table. 


colourful learning microscope

 allows to illuminate the object from the top or from the bottom. Note that the switch 

at the back of the microscope serves for both, the transmitted as well as the reflected light, depending on the direction into 

which you turn it. The two lights cannot be used at the same time.

The lens tube and the top can be turned in such a way that they, if wanted, point to the other side of the microscope. If 

necessary, you can LIGHTLY turn the screw at the top base to make the turning of the top easier. For best results the top 

should only be moved when it is absolutely necessary.

b) Work with transmitted light: Use of the bottom light source (for slide preparations on slide holders)

Put the stage into its lowest position. Always begin your observations with the 4x objective and increase the magnification 

gradually. Start with a prepared object holder and place it cautiously on the stage, the labelled side towards the top. Press 

the clamping device lightly in order to lift it up; to be able to fasten the object holder underneath. The part to be observed of 

the object should be placed on the opening in the stage. Use the switch for the bottom light so that it shines through the

opening and through the object holder onto the stage. Look through the eyepiece and turn the focus knob SLOWLY, until the 

object can be seen clearly. Make sure the object holder does not touch the objective.

Hints for working with transmitted light: 

-   The orifice plate which sits directly under the stage has 6 different openings, which are used to control the light quantity. 

The turning of this disc enables you to change the intensity of the light. Try to experiment with the different possibilities of 

adjustment to get the best sight.

-   After adjustment you can move the object holder to the left and to the right on the stage to observe different areas of the 

object. When you are adjusting the object holder or the disc, pay attention not to put any pressure, which could move the 

specimen onto the stage. In case this should happen all the same, simply readjust the focus knobs until you can see the 

object again clearly.

-   After having looked at the 40x magnified specimen, (4x objective) you turn the objective turret to the 10x objective. 


(The object holder stays on the stage.) When SLOWLY turning the focus knob now you will be able to see your specimen 

magnified 100x. Always be very cautious and take care that the object holder does not touch the objective. Finally you can 

turn the objective turret to the 40x lens, which gives you a 400x magnification of your specimen. Whenever you increase, 

consider: The bigger the magnification, the nearer the lens must be to the object. The 40x objective almost seems to touch 

the lens; that is normal. Always move the focus knobs very slowly.

-   When changing the object holder, put the stage into its lowest position. Lift the clips and remove the object holder.  

In order to fasten the new object holder, simply lift the clips again and push the object holder carefully underneath.  

Begin your observations again with the 4x objective.

•  5 empty slide holders

•  pipette

•  4 prepared slide holders

•  2 small bottles of non poisonous          

colouring liquid

•  test tubes

•  1 slide holder with dip

•  petridish

•  labels for slide holders

•  tweezers

•  cover glasses

•  special cleaning paper for lenses

•  skewer

•  swab

Summary of Contents for 757943

Page 1: ...Arnulf Betzold GmbH Buntes Lern Mikroskop Nr Art 757943 Colourful learning Microscope Nr Art 757943 Microscope d apprentissage color Nr Art 757943...

Page 2: ...apier Bewahren Sie Ihr Mikroskop an einem k hlen trockenen Platz auf Bedecken Sie das Mikroskop mit der beigef gten Staubh lle oder stellen Sie es zur ck in den Karton wenn Sie es nicht verwenden Wenn...

Page 3: ...ukt erworben haben Technische Daten und Lieferumfang a Vergr erungen Die Gesamtvergr erung errechnet sich aus der Multiplikation der Okularvergr erung immer 10 mit der Linse des Objektivs Okular unter...

Page 4: ...h das Okular und drehen Sie den Einstellknopf LANGSAM bis das Objekt klar zu sehen ist Achten Sie darauf dass der Objekttr ger nicht das Objektiv ber hrt Tipps f r die Arbeit mit dem Durchlicht Die Lo...

Page 5: ...nd beobachten Sie die Wiederkristallisierung des Salzes Zuckers 3 Sch tteln Sie etwas Pollen aus einer Bl te auf einen leeren Objekttr ger 4 Haare auch die von Haustieren oder Teile von Federn lassen...

Page 6: Das d nne Deckglas wird bei zu starkem Druck brechen 6 Tupfen Sie eventuell ausgetretenes Wasser vorsichtig auf 7 Platzieren Sie nun das Pr parat vorsichtig unter dem Mikroskop Deckglas nach oben u...

Page 7: folgenden Bauteile des Mikroskops in den angegebenen Farben an Beschrifte die Bauteile Tubus Grau Objekttisch Schwarz Objektklammern Silbergrau Beleuchtung Gelb Einstellknopf Blau Okular Gr n 1 2 3...

Page 8: ...6 Einstellknopf Trieb 7 Standfu 8 Durchlicht 9 Objektklemme 10 Objekttisch 11 Objektive 12 Objektivrevolver 13 Petrischale 14 F rbefl ssigkeit 15 Deckgl schen 16 Objekttr ger 17 Reagenzglas 18 Pipett...

Page 9: ...E Darauf lege ich den Gegenstand den ich betrachten will G Dient zum Tragen des Mikroskops I Damit kann ich das Bild scharf einstellen H Damit wird das Objekt beleuchtet J Sie halten den Objekttr ger...

Page 10: ...necessary to clean the lenses try to do it with a cotton wool ball very slightly moistened with alcohol Dry the lenses with a dry cotton wool ball or with special cleaning paper Store the microscope...

Page 11: ...maged or faulty goods at the time of purchase is not necessary In case of guarantee claims please contact place of purchase Technical dates and delivery schedule a Magnifications The total magnificati...

Page 12: ...for the bottom light so that it shines through the opening and through the object holder onto the stage Look through the eyepiece and turn the focus knob SLOWLY until the object can be seen clearly Ma...

Page 13: drops on an object holder Let them dry and observe the recrystallisation of the salt sugar 3 Shake some pollen of a blossom onto an empty object holder 4 It is interesting to observe parts of feath...

Page 14: ...s possible to avoid bubbles Caution The thin cover glass will break when the pressure is too strong 6 Carefully dab up eventually spilled water 7 Now place the specimen carefully under the microscope...

Page 15: ...lowing components of the microscope with the indicated colours Label the components Lens barrel grey Stage black Specimen clamps silver grey Illumination yellow Adjustment knob blue Eyepiece green 1 2...

Page 16: ...m 5 Orifice plate 6 Focus knob 7 Base 8 Transmitted light 9 Stage clip 10 Stage 11 Objektive 12 Objective turret 13 Petridish 14 Colouring liquid 15 Cover glasses 16 Slide holders 17 Test tubes 18 Pip...

Page 17: ...specimen which I would like to view on this G It serves to carry the microscope I It is used to focus on the picture H It is used to illuminate the specimen J They keep the specimen holders in place...

Page 18: ...ntes ou des taches peuvent tre enlev es avec un tissu l g rement mouill Si besoin nettoyez les lentilles avec un tampon de coton tr s l g rement mouill d alcool s chez les lentilles avec un tampon de...

Page 19: ...La pile contient du plomb Cd La pile contient du cadmium Hg La pile contient du mercure Garantie Vous avez une pleine garantie de 5 ans au del des d lais de garantie l gaux et sans que ceux l soient...

Page 20: ...en bas qui va traverser le porte objet Regardez travers l oculaire et tournez le bouton de r glage LENTEMENT jusqu obtenir une vue nette ATTENTION Le porte objet ne doit pas toucher l objectif Conseil...

Page 21: ...eux des poils d animaux ou des plumes sont adapt s l observation Essayez de comparer des poils ani maux diff rents Vous pouvez les fixer avec un petit bout de scotch sur la lamelle 5 Regardez les fibr...

Page 22: ...i platement que possible pour viter des bulles d air ATTENTION Le couvre objet tr s fin peut casser en cas de pression trop forte 6 pongez en cas de d bordement 7 Placez l chantillon sous le microscop...

Page 23: ...ine les composants du microscope qui suivent dans les couleurs indiqu es Marque les composants Tube gris Platine noir Pinces objet gris argent clairage jaune Bouton de r glage bleu Oculaire vert 1 2 3...

Page 24: ...rture 6 Bouton de r glage 7 Pied 8 Lumi re transmise 9 Pinces objet 10 Platine 11 Objektif 12 Revolver d objectifs 13 Boite de petri 14 Liquide pour coloration 15 Couvre objets 16 Porte objets 17 prou...

Page 25: ...sition stable E Je pose l objet que je voudrais regarder l dessus G Sert porter le microscope I Avec cela je peux mettre l image au point H Avec cela l objet est clair J Vous tenez fermement le porte...

Page 26: ...26 F r Ihre Notizen For your notes Pour vos notes...

Page 27: ...27 F r Ihre Notizen For your notes Pour vos notes...

Page 28: ...479 Ellwangen Telefon 49 7961 9000 0 Telefax 49 7961 9000 50 E Mail service betzold de www betzold de AT Arnulf Betzold GmbH Seeb hel 1 6233 Kramsach Tirol Telefon 43 5337 644 50 Telefax 43 5337 644 5...
