EPIC 2-manual-EN-v1.2 April 2022
that weightshifting in the harness will make the turn more efficient and reduce the amount of brake required.
Care must be taken not to apply so much brake as to stall. This is easy to avoid as the brake pressure increases
greatly as you approach the stall point. Only fly near the stall point if you have enough height to recover (at least
Speed System
Launching and general flying is normally done without using the accelerator. A pilot flying at the maximum in-flight weight
should be able to reach the top speed noted in the specifications table when using the accelerator system.
Full speed is achieved when the two pulleys on each A-riser touch. Do not go beyond this point by using excessive
force to attempt to make the glider go faster as this may result in the glider collapsing.
When you come off the bar it is also important to do so smoothly and progressively, to manage the pitch. It is
possible for paragliders to front-collapse if the bar is released too quickly.
We recommend you only fly in conditions where you can progress into wind with no speed bar applied, so that you have
extra airspeed in reserve should you need it.
Practise using the speed system in normal flying and get fully used to using half speed bar before you use full
2. The speed increase is achieved by reducing the angle of attack, which means the canopy has slightly more
collapse tendency.Take care when flying fast in rough or turbulent conditions as deflations are more likely to
occur at speed.
Flight Characteristics