rev 17 09 93
Our Company supports the Benchmark initiat-
ive. The Benchmark Log Book is located at the
back of this manual and should be completed
by the Installing/Commisssioning Engineer
and handed over to the User for future refer-
ence by other visiting Engineers. Also in-
cluded is the Service Interval Record card that
should be completed by the Service Engineer
following the annual service maintenance of
the boiler and system.
For Ireland (IE), it is necessary to complete a
“Declaration of Conformity” to indicate com-
pliance to I.S.813.2002.
This appliance must be installed by a compet-
ent person in accordance with the Gas Safety
(installation & Use) Regulations.
Related documents
The installation of this appliance must be in ac-
cordance with the relevant requirements of the
current Gas Safety (Installation & Use) Regula-
tions, the Local Building Regulations, the current
I.E.E. Wiring Regulations, the Regulations and
by---laws of the local water undertaking, and in
Scotland, in accordance with the Building Stan-
dards (Scotland) Regulation. Health and safety
document n
635 ”Electricity at work regs.”.
It should also be in accordance with the British
Standard Codes of Practice:
In Ireland (IE). The installation must be carried out
by a Competent Person and installed in accord-
ance with the current edition of I.S.813.2002 “Do-
mestic Gas Installations” the current Building
Regulations and reference should be made to the
current ETCI rules for electrical installations.
Location of appliance
The appliance may be installed in any room or in-
ternal space, although particular attention is
drawn to the requirements of the current I.E.E. Wir-
ing Regulations, and in Scotland, the electrical
provisions of the Building Regulations applicable
in Scotland, with respect to the installation of the
combined appliance in a room containing a bath
or shower.
For Ireland (IE), reference should be made to the
current edition of I.S.813.2002 and the current
ETCI rules for electrical installations.
Where a room---sealed appliance is installed in
a room containing a bath or shower, any electri-
cal switch or appliance control, utilising mains
electricity should be so situated that it cannot
be touched by a person using the bath or
The location must permit the provision of an ad-
equate flue and termination.
For unusual locations special procedures may be
necessary and BS 6798 gives detailed guidance
on this aspect.
A compartment used to enclose the appliance
must be designed specifically for this purpose.
This appliance is not suitable for external installa-
Flue system
The provision for satisfactory flue termination must
be made as described in BS 5440 part 1.
For Ireland (IE), refer to I.S.813.2002.
The appliance must be installed so that the flue ter-
minal is exposed to external air.
It must not be installed so that the terminal dis-
charges into an other room or space as an out-
house or lean---to. It is important that the position
of the terminal allows a free passage of air across
at all times.
The terminal should be located with due regard for
the damage or discoloration that might occur to
building products in the vicinity.
In cold and/or humid weather water vapour may
condense on leaving the flue terminal; the effect of
such ”steaming” must be considered.
Pluming may easily occur at the terminal. Where
possible, terminal position which could cause a
nuisance should be avoided.