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By-pass valve
13 by-pass valve
13 .1 function
The By-pass valve A in Figure 13.1 is located between the c.h.
water flow and return and its function is that of guaranteeing a
minimum flow across the primary heat exchanger if the circula
tion across the c.h. system is completely closed.
The By-pass valve is inside of the diverter group.
figure 13 .1
13 .2 removal
warning: isolate the boiler from the mains electrici-
ty supply before removing any covering or compo-
nent .
1 Remove all the case panels.
2 Empty the primary circuit of the boiler.
3 Remove the locking plate B and pull up the by-pass valve A
(Figure 13.3).
figure 13 .2
4 Reassemble the by-pass valve as illustrated in Figure 13.2
reversing the order of removal.
warning: to lubricate the O-ring gaskets exclusively
use a silicone base grease compatible to be in con-
tact with foods and approved by the local water au-
thorities .
attention: when reassembling the by-pass valve be
sure that it is correctly oriented by matching the ref-
erence c with the notch d of the water group figure
13 .3 .
figure 13 .3