1. Document overview
Administration manual covers the initial process of obtaining the licenses up to the process
of deployment of the OfficeBox appliance. This is explained in simple steps which take a
short amount of time and if followed correctly, will provide a rock solid platform that will
satisfy customers business needs.
Intended audience
This document is intended for the re-sellers that will be obtaining licenses, and administrators
which will assemble the hardware and install the software for the appliance.
Conventions used in this document
The document will follow a set of conventions which will give it a different emphasis,
depending on the importance that shown information has. Please observe the following.
This is a warning section which emphasizes information of critical importance. It is
crucial to read and adopt the information marked within this section.
This section notifies the user about the additional information provided within the
section, that complements the rest of the information in the chapter.
C o m p u t e r code or s i m i l a r text is s h o w n like this .
When an emphasis is given to one or more words within normal text, it is emphasized with
, or
, which really depends on the context and the place within
the text.