Printing weighing data
The printer is normally connected to the terminal by way of the COM1 serial port (
par. 7.3 on page 1-
Printouts are obtained by pressing
. Printing is performed if:
the weight is valid, i.e. it is not less than zero and does not exceed the maximum scale capacity;
the weight is stable;
the printer is connected, switched on, there are no other print jobs currently in progress and
there is paper in the printer.
The following data are printed:
Date and time (if enabled)
Progressive number
Product code (if selected) with the relative alphanumeric description
Generic code (if selected)
Gross (if enabled)
Tare/s (if present)
Coefficient and result (if enabled)
If the relative function is enabled, the product code and net weight may be printed in the form of a
bar code.
The printout can be customised using a PC and a specific programme: for further information,
contact your dealer.
For details regarding printing characteristics, paper format, printer maintenance etc., see the
instruction manual for your printer.