Billion BIPAC 6600 Broadband Firewall Router
address. The IP address is very hard to remember, so that you may just enter the friendly name and DNS converts it to its equivalent IP address.
You can obtain Domain Name System (DNS) IP address automatically if ISP provides it when
you logon. This
Obtain DNS address automatically
selection is set as default when you
choose Obtain an IP Address Automatically, PPPoE, or Fixed IP as your WAN protocol.
Or your ISP may provide you with an IP address of DNS. If this is the case, you must enter the
DNS IP address. Moreover, if you set Fixed IP as your ISP protocol, you can only enter the
DNS IP Address instead of obtaining the address automatically. System
There are five items under the
section: Time Zone, Firmware Upgrade,
Backup/Restore Settings, Default Settings, Restart and User Management. Time Zone
BIPAC 6600 does not have a real time clock on board; instead, it uses the simple network time
protocol (SNTP) to get the current time from the SNTP server in outside network. Please
choose your local time zone and click Submit. You will get the correct time information after you
really establish a connection to Internet. The current time of selected time zone will be shown in
the Status – System window.