KBF-LQC (E5.2) 12/2010
page 27/106
4.3.2 Manual fresh water supply via external freshwater can (option)
If no house water connection with suitable water is available, you can manually supply water by filling a
freshwater can (option, volume: 20 liters /
cu.ft.). You can fix the freshwater can at the rear of the
unit or place it next to the unit (chap. 17.9).
To guarantee humidification during 24 hours even at high humidity set-points with manual
water supply, we recommend filling the freshwater can (option) daily at the end of the day.
4.3.3 Connection kit for connection to the water main
A safety kit against flooding caused by burst water hoses is enclosed to the climatic chamber. It consists
Hose burst protection device
Hose nozzle with screwing
4 hose clamps
6m water hose, divisible for feed hose and the drain
Protection principle of hose burst protection:
Whenever a strong water flow of about 18 l / min. occurs, e.g. caused by a burst water hose, a valve
automatically cuts off the water supply, what can be heard as a clicking noise. The water supply now
remains interrupted until its manual release.
Screw the hose burst protection device onto a water tap with a G¾ inch right turning thread connection.
The connection is self-sealing. Establish the connection between the safety kit and the chamber with a
part of the supplied hose. Protect both ends of the hose by the supplied hose clamps.
We recommend connecting the hose as the last step in order to avoid twisting the hose while screwing on
the safety kit.
Open the water tap slowly in order to avoid actuating the hose burst protection device.
Figure 12: Assembly of the connection kit
Release of the reflux protection device:
In case the burst protection device interrupted the water supply, find first the reason and remove it as far
as necessary. Close the water tap. Release the valve by a half left-turn of the upper knurled part. You can
hear the release of the valve as a clicking noise. Tighten the burst protection device against the water tap
by a right turn. Open the water tap slowly afterwards.
Maintenance of the assembly of the hose burst protection device:
Calcification can impair valve function. We recommend an annual inspection by a skilled plumper. The
plumper should demount the safety kit to check the valve by hand for function and calcification or block-