Use Teflon (copper #540 395) based grease
to lubricate all o-rings and moving parts
before reassembly into the gun body.
To further protect the environment,
avoid storing solvents or solvent-soaked
wipes, such as those used for surface
preparation and cleanup, in open or
absorbent containers.
bers in parentheses refer to individual
items shown in the “exploded” drawing on
page 7.
aiR caP, caRBide tiP and
fLUid Seat aSSeMBLY
Service symptoms:
• Build-up on air cap or
clogged carbide tip
• Fluid seat assembly not
sealing properly
1. Turn retaining ring (16) counter-
clockwise and remove.
2. Remove air cap (17) and carbide tip
assembly (18) from fluid seat
assembly (19). With the air cap facing
up, apply pressure to carbide tip (18)
and remove from air cap (17).
3. Turn fluid seat assembly (19)
counterclockwise and remove.
4. Service or replace and reassemble in
reverse order.
RePLacinG fLUid
caRtRidGe aSSeMBLY
Service symptoms:
• Fluid leaking from weeps port
1. Turn end cap (1) counterclockwise
and remove it and the piston return
spring from the piston body (23).
2. With two 5/16" wrenches (not
supplied with gun), loosen collet
locknut (9) from collet (10).
3. Using a pair of pliers, grip collet (10)
and remove piston assembly (5).
4. Place the 3/8" deep socket (supplied
with gun) over cartridge assembly
(15) and turn counterclockwise.
5. Remove and reassemble in reverse
order using the new cartridge assembly.
6. After the piston assembly has been
positioned properly, tighten locknut (9)
to collet (10) “wrench tight”.
RePLacinG o-RinGS on
Service symptoms:
• Atomizing air not cycling off
• Air not actuating fluid
1. Turn end cap (1) counterclockwise
and remove it and the piston return
spring from the piston body (23).
2. With two 5/16" wrenches (not
supplied with gun), loosen collet
locknut (9) from collet (10).
3. Using a pair of pliers, grip collet (10)
and remove piston assembly (5).
4. Replace o-rings (7, 8, 13 & 14) using
Standard Piston O-ring Repair Kit
54-5303 or High Performance Piston
O-ring Repair Kit 54-5307.
5. Apply MG75 Teflon based lubricant
provided in the o-ring repair kits to
o-rings and reassemble in reverse order.
6. After the piston assembly has been
positioned properly, tighten locknut (9)
to collet (10) “wrench tight”.
SeRVicinG/RePLacinG fiLteR
Service symptoms:
• Fluid tip clogging or restriction
in fluid flow
1. Using a 3/4" inch wrench, turn filter
retainer (27) counterclockwise and
2. Place a standard screwdriver inside the
cavity where the filter (30) is housed and
dislodge it by lifting up with the
screwdriver. Remove filter and clean or
replace as required. Most of the time you
can dislodge the filter using your finger.
3. Reassemble in reverse order.
ReMoVinG/RePLacinG GUn
fRoM inLet ManifoLd
1. Using a 9/64" Allen wrench (supplied
with gun), turn retaining cap screw
(20) counter-clockwise typical
4 places and remove gun sub module.
2. Mount the new gun module, tightening
the retaining screws (20) “wrench tight”.
This will allow fluid and air passages
to seal with no contamination.
MaG aa aUtoMatic ManifoLd MoUnted aiR aSSiSted aiRLeSS SPRaY GUn
Maintenance/tRoUBLeSHootinG and SeRVice inStRUctionS
never use metal instruments to clean
or scrape fluid or air nozzles. these
parts have been carefully machined
and altering their shape will cause
faulty spray.
never use lubricants containing
silicone since these lubricants can
cause finish defects. Binks Gunners
Mate is recommended.
disassemble spray gun and remove all
o-rings before immersing gun in or
subjecting it to a flood-wash of cleaning
solvent. contact with solvents may induce
o-ring swelling beyond their
specification sizes and cause subsequent
malfunction of the gun.
carbide fluid tip needs to be
oriented properly in the air cap. the
alignment pin in the air cap is to be
properly positioned to the slot in
the carbide tip.
Piston assembly (5) must be
bottomed out on the piston housing
(23) with collet (10) and locknut (9)
positioned such that the e-clip (12) is
resting against the piston assembly.
if the piston is not positioned
correctly, the fluid-to-air timing will
not work correctly. See pictorial
view on page 6.
Be sure to follow all safety precautions
described on page 2 before working
on the spray gun. never work on the
spray gun until fluid pressure has been
relieved throughout the system and
the power or air supply for the fluid
pump has been disconnected. always
test the repaired gun for leaks with
low pressure fluid before use.
Piston assembly (5) must be
bottomed out on the piston housing
(23) with collet (10) and locknut (9)
positioned such that the e-clip (12) is
resting against the piston assembly.
if the piston is not positioned
correctly, the fluid-to-air timing will
not work correctly. See pictorial
view on page 6.
o-ring (28) does not require
replacement when servicing filter.
Replace o-ring (28) if a leak
develops around filter retainer (27).
o-rings (22 & 24) must be replaced
when replacing gun sub module.