If the system telephone is removed, the system detects this and identifies the entry into the
system with a red arrow. If another system telephone of the same type is subsequently
connected, the system detects this and assigns the detected system telephone the corres-
ponding configuration. The system telephone thus receives the same configuration as its
predecessor, despite a different serial number. Only the first MSN must be identically
entered in the system telephone and the system.
The Terminals->elmeg System Phones->System Phone->General menu consists of the
following fields:
Fields in the menu Basic Settings
To clearly identify the telephone in the system, enter a descrip-
tion for the telephone.
Phone Type
Displays the type of the connected telephone. If the interface is
configured, the system automatically reads out the type. The
field can then no longer be edited if a telephone is connected.
Possible values:
!" / .
For Phone Type =
!" / .
: Displays system telephone
product description.
Possible values:
For Phone Type =
: Displays system telephone product de-
Possible values:
bintec elmeg GmbH
15 Terminals
elmeg hybird 120 / hybird 130