Fig. 258:
Update System Phones
elmeg OEM
Values in the list elmeg OEM
Displays the description entered for the system telephone.
Phone Type
Displays the system telephone type.
MAC Address
Shows the system telephone's MAC address.
Phone Version
Displays the software version of the telephone.
SD Card Vers.
Displays the inserted SD card version.
Status/Update Status
Displays the system telephone status, or a progress bar during
the update progress.
identifies a connected system telephone whose system soft-
ware is supported by your hybird.
identifies a system telephone that is either not connected, or
whose system software is not supported by your hybird.
For IP telephone, there is no restriction on simultaneous updat-
ing of system software.
If the system telephone system software is not supported by
your hybird, there is still a way to update the system software.
During system software updating, you see a progress bar.
Update enabled
Shows whether connected telephones can independently down-
load new software from the system.
bintec elmeg GmbH
26 Maintenance
elmeg hybird 120 / hybird 130