Lightwave UV/Vis Diode Array Spectrophotometer
There is a choice of display.
The Delta A/min function is only available if Kinetics is selected (this
measures the change in Absorbance per minute, as calculated by least
square analysis).
If Concentration is selected, another screen displays two options
Abs * F
A/min * F
The Abs*F is the most commonly used concentration relationship.
Once again only select
A/min*F if using kinetics.
A/min or
A/min * F when kinetics is not chosen will not be
accepted, reverting the user back to a previous screen.
If reading out in concentration you may select from a choice of units. These
will appear on the final result screen when the Method is run.
A choice of units can be made for concentration measurements.
If the chosen display is “Absorbance or % T “ the choice of units will be
The Factor is only relevant to LINE calibrations and represents the
multiplication factor to convert Absorbance into Concentration (as per the
Beer-Lambert Law).
Concentration = Factor x Absorbance (or OD)
Position the cursor onto the Factor line and press key 4 to change.
The cursor will appear under the first unit e.g. Factor
Use the
keys to select the correct value between 0 and 9, or move the
cursor to another position using the
Once the correct value has been programmed change the decimal point
using the function key 3.
Pressing “Accept” confirms the choice.