Getting started with the Crazyflie 2.0 | Bitcraze
Continue reading the flying section.
Installing on a computer
When using a computer to fly the Crazyflie, you also need a standard gamepad (more
information (//wiki.bitcraze.io/projects:crazyflie:pc_utils:inputdevices)) for maneuvering and a
Crazyradio PA for communication.
installation flavour
There are a few options of how to run the PC client
We have created a virtual machine (VM) to help you get into the air as quickly as possible.
The VM has all software you need for flight and development pre-installed. Since it runs on a
virtual machine it should work the same way on most operating systems and this is also why
our documentation is based on the virtual machine.
Installing on VM
The virtual machine (VM) to help you get into the air as quickly as possible, it has all
software you need for flight and development pre-installed.
Unfortunately there have been some reports lately of problems using the VM with USB. If
you experience problems when flying, consider a native solution.
install VirtualBox
Before downloading the virtual machine you must have VirtualBox or some other
virtualization application installed on your computer. VirtualBox is a cross-platform
virtualization application that imports and runs our preconfigured virtual machine.
Download and install Oracle VirtualBox. (https://www.virtualbox.org/)