Relay Types
The modules supported by the BIT-2100 Series Switch System all provide high RF bandwidth, but
other than that differ in various ways:
each relay has two to eight terminals, of which one a time can be connected to a common
terminology: e.g. a relay with two terminals (plus the common terminal) is indicated as
the “path” indicates which terminal (a number starting at 1) is currently connected to
the common terminal
some relays support an additional path (denoted as path 0), which is when all terminals at
the same time are disconnected from the common terminal
the terminals which are currently not connected to the common terminal are either
terminated or unterminated (see also page 8)
most relays are latching, i.e. retain their path after power is turned off, while some fall back
into a default path (also known as “fail-safe”)
some modules contain a single relay, some modules contain up to six independent relays
What’s New
The most important changes of the BIT-2100B over the BIT-2100A are:
improved mainframe: display to show IP address, user controls at the front, data
connections on the rear, larger chassis so lab equipment can be put on top
new module types: terminated 8:1, unterminated 8:1, terminated 2:1
smart modules: data such as relay serial numbers and switch cycle counters can be queried
new software platform: the same reliable platform as in the BitifEye BIT-3000 DSGA
new USB functionality: using USB-VCM instead of USB-TMC, which allows to connect two
frames into a master-slave configuration
BIT-2100B User Manual