POS Printer
Rev. 2.00
- 19 -
5-2-8 textSize
Size of the printed text
@property(readwrite) int
Refer to 2-4 Text Size
SDK 0.6.0 and later
5-2-9 characterSet
Defines the code page of printer
@property(readwrite) CGFloat
Refer to 2-1 Character Set
Default value is set to BXL_CS_437.
SDK 0.6.0 and later
5-2-10 internationalCharacterSet
@property(readwrite) char
Refer to 2-2 International Character Set. Default value is set to BXL_CS_437.
SDK 0.6.0 and later
5-2-11 textEncoding
Type of the text Encoding.
@property(readwrite) long
Refer to NSStringEncoding in NSString.h
SDK 3.0.2 and later