Primary to Basic Rate ISDN Multiplexer
TECHNICAL: 0118 931 2233
If the TA is not SPID initialised then all the CLID numbers for that port are checked. If there
is no match the CLID number for the first TA is used. If it is blank then the Calling Party
Number (if any) is passed through unchanged.
CLID Generation
This option allows the port (PRI 2, a BRI or analogue line) from which a call is made to be
detected by the network. When it is set to “Yes” outgoing calls have their Calling Party
Number checked against the numbers in Number Setup. If it is not present it is added. If it is
incorrect it is replaced.
CLID Number type (only if CLID generation on)
This option allows the choice of number type and plan in the calling party number when
CLID generation is on to be configured.
If it is set to Normal, it is unchanged if number passed, set to unknown type / unknown plan
if number changed).
If it is set to National, it is always set to national type / ISDN/telephony plan.
NB: if it is set to national the numbers in number setup should be the national number (area
code without prefix digit followed by local number)
CLID Screening type (only if CLID generation on)
This option allows the choice of screening indicator in the calling party number when CLID
generation is on to be configured.
If it is set to Normal it is unchanged if number passed, set to user- provided /not screened if
number changed).
If it is set to National it is always set to network generated
Use Internal Tones
(ETSI protocol only)
This option allows the source of tones (dial, error, busy and ring) for calls to/from the basic
rate ports to be selected.
If it is set to no the network provided tones are used.
If it is set to yes then the internal tones for dial, error and ring are used for outgoing calls and
the internal tone for ring is used for incoming calls.
If it is set to auto then the internal or network provided tones are used depending on the
presence of a progress indicator.
NB: for National ISDN protocol it is set to yes but not displayed.