Primary to Basic Rate ISDN Multiplexer
SALES: 0118 965 5100
Fault Finding
This section seeks to provide some guidance on solving common problems encountered in
using the Primary to Basic Rate ISDN Multiplexer.
Changing a parameter on a The Primary to Basic Rate ISDN Multiplexer caused
it to stop operating
Changing parameters on the Primary to Basic Rate ISDN Multiplexer may cause the unit to
change operating modes and appear to stop functioning.
To recover from this condition reload the factory defaults (see Quick Reference Guide).
Windows terminal program will not move up and down menus
When using the Windows terminal emulation program in its default configuration the <up>
and <down> arrow keys will not function with the menus. This is because Windows uses
these keys and does not pass any characters to the Primary to Basic Rate ISDN Multiplexer.
In most cases <up> can be replaced with the 'u' or 'U' key and <down> by the 'd' or 'D' key.
Alternatively, change the operation of the terminal program by disabling the "Use Function,
Arrow and Ctrl Keys for Windows" option.
No communication with terminal port
Communication failure can occur for several reasons. Firstly check that the Primary to Basic
Rate ISDN Multiplexer is powering up properly. The power LED should illuminate and the
other LED's should turn on and off. The internal relays should usually switch on power up
and this should be audible.
Next check the cable. The Primary to Basic Rate ISDN Multiplexer provides a DCE
connection so a cable with a 9 way D male to 9 way D female connected pin for pin will
connect The Primary to Basic Rate ISDN Multiplexer to a PC.
If the cable is correct then check the communication parameters. The default is 19200-baud,
no parity, 2 stop bits and 8 data bits.
To restore the default communication parameters reload the factory defaults (see Quick
Reference Guide).
Changing parameters had no effect on operation of the Primary to Basic Rate
ISDN Multiplexer
Some parameters, once changed, will not effect the operation of the unit immediately. If the
Primary to Basic Rate ISDN Multiplexer does not seem to be operating properly use the