CHAPTER 6: Erasing
6. Erasing
Be very careful as you work with the erase functions,
even though they are only effective when the Digital
Voice Recorder is stopped (not recording or playing
back anything).
As you use this chapter, refer to Figure 2-1 in
Section 2.3
to see where the Recorder’s controls,
connectors, and indicators are.
6.1 Erasing a Message
To erase a particular message in the Digital Voice
Recorder’s memory, take these steps, watching the LCD
carefully and making sure to start with the Recorder
turned off:
1. Move the HOLD switch to OFF (down), then press
the REC/STOP button to turn the Recorder on.
2. Press the FILE button as many times as necessary
to select the message file containing the message
you want to delete. Turn and release the PLAY/
STOP pushdial toward FAST FORWARD (labeled
“>>”) or REWIND (labeled “<<”) as many times as
necessary to reach the individual numbered