Mavic & Me Flight Planning
© 2018-2019 BLACK CAT MEDIA / MAVIC & ME PAGE 12
Example Emergency Actions:
Aircraft Fire in Flight
RP should shout ‘UAV FAIL’ then attempt to land As Soon As Possible in a safe area (ideally close to
the RP but if required, in situ) then an attempt made to fight the fire if appropriate. An attempt may be
made to disconnect and isolate the power source from the Aircraft if safe to do so. The safety of 3
parties and Flight Crew are always paramount and personal safety must not be prejudiced in order to
prevent further damage to the SUAS. If necessary, a nominated member of the Flight Crew is to
ensure that all personnel are a safe distance away from the source of fire and the relevant
Emergency Services contacted.
Public Incursion
Observers or any personnel involved with SUAS operations who see or spot an incursion by a
member of the public or 3
party are to warn the RP ASAP. The RP is to act as required in order to
maintain a safe separation from the member of public or 3
party who has entered the operating
area. When it is safe to do so, a member of the flight crew will then approach the member of the
public or 3
party to remove them from operating area or to bring them under the control of the flight
crew. The flight will re-commence only when safe to do so.
If the RP is unable to move the aircraft to a safe distance, the RP should land the SUAS.
Low Battery Voltage/Power Loss in Flight
The control systems utilized in most SUAS means that a loss of battery power is likely to be either:
Catastrophic (if a total power loss is experienced) or.
Contained (e.g., if the battery voltage is allowed to drop too far the SUAS will enter automatic
landing mode, landing at its current position or completing an auto RTH and Landing if
applicable) or in the event of a battery cell failure, the SUAS may be controllable for a short
time such that it may be safely returned to a safe location and landed without delay.
In any event of SUAS power loss, the RP is to declare ‘
’ in order to warn any persons in the
operating area and either land the SUAS immediately or return to the TOLP and land without delay if
Operator Incapacitation
A nominated person (either Flight Crew or Client) must be briefed on how to set the RTH Failsafe in
the event of the RP being unable to continue the flight. With a GPS lock of 6 satellites or more the
SUAS will automatically RTH and land itself at the recorded TOLP (or dynamic home point if
equipped). With less than 6 GPS Satellites locked, the SUAS will automatically land in situ. The
person who triggered the SUAS to RTH is to ensure sure the TOLP is clear of people/animals while
the SUAS is completing RTH and auto landing. In this event, the person triggering the RTH is to
declare ‘
UAV Return to Home FAILSAFE