Replacing the fan in Broadcast Videohub or Enterprise Videohub
The Broadcast Videohub and Enterprise Videohub packages include a spare fan in case the pre-installed
fan stops working or becomes noisy. The Videohub will continue to work even if the fan stops running.
However a working fan will help to extend the life of the Videohub for many years and we recommend the
fan be replaced if it should ever stop running.
The fan is designed to be replaced without needing to switch off power to the Videohub. Remove the four
screws on the fan cover and lift up the cover gently. You will see the colored power cables connecting to a
plug on the Videohub. Gently remove the plastic plug from the Videohub. Remove the two screws which
attach the faulty fan to the fan cover. Replace the faulty fan with the spare fan by following this process in
reverse. The spare fan should immediately start running.