Green Water
Perform a settlement test to ensure that the is no sediment suspended in the water – if there is
follow the brown/cloudy water troubleshooting guide.
Take a glass of water from the pond and allow to settle for a few hours. If when the glass
is stirred a small layer of settled waste can be seen at the base. This indicates that you
have brown/cloudy water and that, if you have a UVC, it is working correctly. If there is no
settlement it indicates that you have green water and that the UVC is not working correctly.
At dusk check the UVC light is illuminated using the viewing window on the UVC electronics cap.
UVC illumination
viewing window
Check the age of the UVC bulb. As UVC bulbs age the light output deteriorates, if the bulb
is over 6 months old, the output may not be strong enough to have an effect on the algae
causing green water – change the bulb.
The UVC may be working effectively, but the filter media is too clean so is unable to remove
the fine coagulated waste – treat the pond with a clearing product, such as Blagdon Clear
Pond, this will clump the particles together to make them larger, and therefore easier to
remove from the water passing through the filter.