The oven door must be closed for all cooking methods
For better cooking results it is recommended to pre-heat the oven to the preset cooking
temperature. Never use low-edged containers nor trays as baking-pans for roasts (fig. 3),
in order to soil as little as possible the walls of the oven, thus preventing fat splashes,
sauce burning and smoke production. Use instead high-edged containers, preferably ter-
racotta containers, put on the grate at about half the height of the oven. Some examples
concerning the thermostat regulation and cooking time for the static functions are set forth
in the special table. The cooking times vary according to the type of food, its homogeneity
and volume. We are sure that, after a few endeavours, the experience will suggest possi-
ble variations to the values shown on the table.
Practical hints to save energy
The oven can be switched off some minutes before cooking end; the residual temperatu-
re is enough to complete cooking. Open the oven door only when it is absolutely neces-
sary; to check the cooking phase, look through the glass (the oven lamp is always on).
Pieces of general advice
The oven offers various kinds of heating:
• the traditional heating for the cooking of special roasts
• the ventilated heating for the cooking of cakes, biscuits and similar.
If the ventilated heating is chosen, it is recommended to take advantage of it for cooking
of roasts on more shelves or for the preparation of complete menus, with time and energy
Ventilated heating
In this way a continuous circulation of warm air is created.
This kind of heating is specially fit for the cooking on more shelves.
The temperature are inferior to the traditional ones, so sparing time and energy.
The oven has an instantaneous heat source, thus the present temperature is reached in
a very short time.
Traditional heating
It is especially suitable for the cooking of furred and feathered game and as well as for the
cooking of bread and sponge cakes.
It is advisable to insert the products to be cooked into the oven when the cooking tempe-
rature is reached, that is to say when the warning light extinguishes.
Fan forced cooking
In this way a continuous circulation of warm air is created.
This kind of heating is specially fit for the cooking on more shelves.
The temperature are inferior to the traditional ones, so sparing time and energy.
The oven has an instantaneous heat source, thus the present temperature is reached in
a very short time.
141 blanco 17-02-2004 10:55 Pagina 11