General safety rules
Use the wheelchair only according to the instructions pro-
vided in this use handbook.
To station, get on and off the wheelchair, make sure the
ground is fl at and stable and secure the wheelchair to pre-
vent it from moving by activating both brakes.
If exposed ti direct sunlight, the covering and the handles
may reach temperatures over 41°C. Direct contact with
unprotected skin may cause injury. So as to avoid the
over-heating of said parts, exposing the parked wheel-
chair to direct sunlight is not reccommended.
Please ask your dealer about all the available layouts, in
order to exclude any dangers or change and adjustment
that may affect on the operation and safety of navigation.
The dealer will be happy to adjust your wheelchair to suit
your individual needs with the utmost respect for your
When you activate the adjustment device (e.g. the le-
grests), pay attention care and do not put your hands on
the moving parts. Possible riskof injury.
When objects are carried, make sure that they do not af-
fect or impar wheelchair control. Check the pressureand
the tire wear, and check the brakes.