Operating Instructions
blast cleaning machine 2-45D is a downward blasting
machine with a closed abrasive circuit designed for the pre-treatment
of horizontal surfaces. The bouncing impact of metallic abrasive onto
the surface to be treated thoroughly removes surface contaminants,
coats of paint, sealants and thin coatings.
Like many revolutionary inventions the blast wheel method is based
on a simple principle: after mechanical pre-acceleration the abrasive
is thrown onto the surface at high speed by the blast wheel. Once the
abrasive has impacted on the surface it rebounds into a recovery
duct. The recovery duct deflects the abrasive into an air current
separator. Here dust and other contaminants are removed from the
abrasive so that only abrasive containing a very small amount of dust
is fed into the abrasive storage hopper for re-use by the blast wheel.
A suitable filter unit must be connected to the machine in order to
separate the dust from the abrasive.
A specially designed dust collection system ensures dust-free
operation of the machine and clean air at the workspace.
Fig. 3.2