6.8.2 Calculator
The calculator in the device can perform the 4 basic
6.8.3 Calendar
It indicates the current month, highlighting the current date
with color. Press the left soft key [Options] to choose from:
Jump to date, Go to Today.
6.8.4 Tasks
You can create reminder: add a subject, set priority, due time,
alarm of the task, when it has to be repeated, add details and
set it is undone or done.
6.8.5 Alarm
Here you can set 5 different alarms. The wake-up function
also works when the device is switched off.
When the alarm clock sounds, press the Left soft key or the
End call key to stop; press the Right soft key to the snooze. If
the Cover is closed, you can press Stop (right key) and after
opening the cover the phones asks whether turns on or not.
To change the alarm details, select one from the list and press
the left soft key [Edit]:
1. Activate / deactivate the alarm by selecting the Status.
Press Left soft key [Options] and choose Select and then the
ON or OFF mode. In the alarm clock list, the active alarms are
indicated by a check mark.
2. To change the alarm time (Time), scroll with the navigation
keys (up and down) and use the numeric keypad to enter the
alarm / alarm time.