OM-AF30 E V1.02
October 18, 2013
Page 21
this point forward.
Should you burn the stove on a very low setting for extended periods of time, you will begin to see creosote
deposits forming on the glass door. To remove these deposits, simple run the stove on “High” for a short time,
approximately 30 minutes. Th
e “High” setting will burn off most of the deposits.
As every pile of wood is diff erent you will learn, over time, which settings are necessary to achieve the optimal
fi re. Th
is will be based on he type of wood you are burning, your home and of course how warm and cozy you
like it inside.
ank you again for purchasing a Blaze King catalytic wood stove. Be sure and tell your friends how you much
less time and money you spent on obtaining wood for the winter because your new Blaze King uses wood so
Any thermostat position between 1 (Low) and 3 (High) will produce the desired clean burning characteristics
However, since each application can vary, you may fi nd it necessary to operate the thermostat to suit your
application. A thermostat setting on High will produce a maximum heat which is more than suitable for heating
the average size home and off er the cleanest door glass.
1. Starting
e Fire. Each stove/home/installation/homeowner combination works a little diff erently. Th
fi rst several times you fuel the stove, it may not react as you expect. A little experimentation may be
needed to fi nd the right combination of fuel and thermostat setting to achieve the maximum effi
is is one of the joys of burning wood. You, the wood burner, make it work. And you can see what
happens as it is working. Be Patient. Th
e air/fuel mixture and temperature must be stabilized before
maximum combustion effi
ciency can be achieved.
2. As the combustor temperature (as indicated by the thermometer on top of the stove) passes into the
active zone, further adjustment to achieve the desired room temperature should be made in small
increments for the most eff ective cleaner burning operation. Changes, generally speaking, should be
made as few times each day as possible. When the thermostat knob is moved from high to low, more
gases is produced, so the combustor has more fuel; consequently the combustor thermometer may
register a higher heat for several hours aft er the thermostat is turned down.
3. Keep hot coals active so when you reload the stove you will reduce the time necessary to maintain an
active combustor.
4. Th
e thermostat is adjusted at the factory and should not be tampered with. If the thermostat breaks, the
damper will close automatically.