OM-BRII90I E V1.05 wo768
August 25, 2015
Page 24
If you have the fan system installed, the fan should be off for 20 - 30 minutes until the stove reaches normal
operating temperatures. Th
e fan speed adjustment should match the draft control setting, i.e. if your stove is set
at medium then your fan should also be set at medium, low—low, high—high etc. We recommend the use of
an optional fan system on all our wood stoves. Th
e fan system recirculates the room air over the hot surfaces of
your stove and helps spread this super heated air around your home.
ere are things to consider if you decide to light a fi re in the spring and fall or when the outside temperature is
milder, perhaps 55°F to 70°F (13°C to 21°C).
As you light the fi re, with the loading door open, you may notice spillage, this is when a small amount of smoke
comes back into the living space. When your fi re begins to warm the chimney and the draft improves, spillage
is greatly reduced. Aft er a short period of time you can slide the draft control to a
setting and maintain a
comfortable temperature in your home.
In reducing the draft control setting you have also reduced the fl ue temperatures and your chimney begins to
cool down. At this time the amount of draft is also decreasing and spillage may occur. Th
e diff erences between
the fl ue temperature and the outdoor air temperatures causes your chimney to draw and vent the fl ue gasses
to the outside. Th
is air movement, sometimes referred to as Stack Eff ect, is also infl uenced by air density and
moisture diff erences. Small temperature diff erences produce less draw in your chimney system than large
temperature diff erences.
General Rules for burning in the shoulder season:
• Run your stove on high for 30 minutes aft er start up and reloading.
• Slowly slide the air control down to the desired heat setting.
• If your stove is producing too much heat, start to build smaller hotter fi res.