Date Printed: 4/28/11
File: G:/pubdata/Manuals\english manuals\OM-KE/PE.pub
OM KE/PE 1006
Version 1.11 Revised: DApril 2011
To Our Valued Customers
Dear Customer:
Thank you for purchasing a
Blaze King
, King or Princess catalytic wood burning stove
(hereafter referred to as "stove").
This owner's manual explains the steps required to safely assemble, install, operate, and
maintain your new stove. Be a responsible stove owner; carefully read these requirements
for safe installation and proper operation BEFORE installing and using your stove.
Obtain permits from the Building Inspector or Fire Department, if local laws require.
Check local building and fire codes before installing your stove. When you have completed
the installation, have it checked by your local inspector. Disregarding inspection and code
requirements may jeopardize your homeowner's insurance. Since some insurance carriers
require notification of a stove installation, contact your insurance agent. We want your
Blaze King
to give you a lifetime of trouble-free operation.
While we have made, every effort to make these instructions as complete as possible, some
installation or operating conditions may not be covered. If you have any questions that are
not answered here, contact your
Blaze King
dealer, Local Building Inspector, Fire
Department, or our customer service department at
Blaze King
Walla Walla, WA 509-522-2730 (in Canada 250-493-7444).
The Management and Employees of
Blaze King Industries