G:\InDATA\manuals\OM-PE E V1.03
December 6, 2012
Page 28
e catalytic thermometer on top of the stove should read in the active zone aft er the stove has been in operation
for several hours. If the thermometer’s indicator needle does not stay above the 1/3 mark in the active zone, even
with a hot fi re, over a 7-10 day period of regular use, the combustor may need replacement. If the combustor
must be examined or replaced, follow this procedure:
1. Allow the stove to burn out and cool down.
2. Open the door and remove the fl ame shield - the perforated plate that is just above the inside of the door
opening. Lift it slightly and pull it forward and down.
3. Th
e combustor may now be seen. Th
e combustor is held together by a stainless steel band. Use a
screwdriver and gently pry under the band at each end. Th
e combustor will loosen enough that it can be
pulled forward, lowered and out through the door.
4. Th
e insulating material around the stainless band will probably disintegrate as the combustor is removed.
When the combustor is placed back into the stove, the insulating material MUST be replaced. Obtain
a piece 2” x 30” from your dealer. When installing the insulation, ensure the ends are butted closely
5. Do not burn the stove with the combustor removed, or without the insulation around the combustor.
6. To replace the combustor, fi rst clean the combustor seat and the area around it. Also take this
opportunity to clean the area around the by-pass -- use a vacuum cleaner.
7. Lift the new combustor into position, with the stainless fl anges on each end and the bottom. Th
combustor should slide into position, as far to the back of the stove as possible. Don’t be concerned if it
appears a bit loose. Th
e insulation around the outside of the stainless band will expand during the fi rst
fi re and will hold the combustor in.
8. Replace the fl ame shield (the Perforated plate) by holding it inside the fi rebox with the triangular wings
facing away from you. Lift it into position, between the door and the combustor, and rest the bottom of
the plate on the two pins that protrude below the combustor. Th
e fl ame shield should rest at an angle
(about 45 degrees) with its bottom near the combustor, and its top near the stove front.
Under certain conditions, ash particles may become attached to the face of the combustor. Th
ese may be seen
while the combustor is in the glowing stage, or when the fi re is out. Any deposit on the visible face of the
combustor should be removed. Wait until the fi re is out and the stove is cold. (Hot ash in a vacuum cleaner bag
will burn.) Brushing the combustor with a soft bristle paint brush will remove some deposits. Passing a plastic
vacuum cleaner wand or brush near the face of the combustor will remove most deposits. Never scrape the
combustor with any hard tool or brush. Some stove owners have run pipe cleaner through every individual cell
of the combustor. Th
is is not needed, and may actually do more harm than good. Limit cleaning to the face of
the combustor.
Never remove a combustor without approved combustor gasket in hand as original gasket will fall apart
when removed from stove. Remember to re-install the Flame Shield (the perforated plate) in same position it
was found.
A nice hot fi re will usually prove to be the best method of cleaning the combustor of deposits.