P a g e
the standard 20lb 5 gallon LP gas cylinder may be used, this size of a tank is more
Susceptible to freezing up and potentially causing a safety risk.
This freezing of the tank is caused due to the large gas consumption of this power burner and
can be minimized by hooking into a larger L.P gas tank located away from the unit. Please make
sure that you have met the entire city and State requirements as well as the fire department
requirements. Only use certified professional installers when using larger L.P tanks.
An inline L.P gas regulator is “REQUIRED” and all warranty will
be VOID if not installed correctly. Please contact BLAZE to purchase a inline regulator for this power
An enclosure or Island for a L.P gas cylinder must be vented
at the level of the cylinder valve and at the floor level. The effectiveness of the opening(s) for purposes
of ventilation shall be determined with the LP gas supply cylinder in place. This shall be
by one of the following: a. One side of the enclosure shall be fully open; or b. For an enclosure having
four sides, a top and a bottom:
1. At least two ventilation openings at the cylinder valve level shall be provided in the sidewall,
equally sized, spaced at 180 degrees (3.14 rad), and unobstructed. Each opening shall have
a total free area of not less than 1/2 square inch per pound (7.1 cm2/kg) of stored fuel capacity and not
less than a total free area of 10 square inches (64.5 cm2).
2. Ventilation opening(s) shall be provided at floor level and shall have a total free area of not
less than ½" square inch per pound (7.1 cm2/kg) of stored fuel capacity and not less than a total free
area of 10 square inches (64.5 cm2). If ventilation openings at floor level are in a sidewall, there shall
be at least two openings. The bottom of the openings shall be at floor level and the upper edge no more
than 5 inches (127 mm) above the floor. The openings shall be equally sized, spaced at 180 degrees
(3.14 rad) and un-obstructed.