Guy Cabling BloBlades
Any fan that may be subjected to wind e.g. near a large open door must be guyed, because
the wind can cause it to gyrate wildly. Any fan that has minimal clearance above, below, or
beyond the blade tips must be guyed, because even a slight imbalance will cause the fan to
move around.
Furthermore, even a perfectly balanced fan will move around as it reacts to its own air currents.
We strongly recommend that all fans be guyed.
Please adhere to the following guide lines:
Attach the guy cables before you install the blades.
Use four cables per fan, with four clamps per cable (i.e. two clamps per end),
Don't angle the guy-cables too steeply. Anything much steeper than a 45 degree is not
desirable. Buy extra cable if you need it.
Use eye bolts to attach the guy cables to the building structure, and use the open-end chain
links (supplied with hardware) to attach the cables to the fan frame.
it is important to avoid wrapping the cable
around the sharp corners. Although
the forces needed to stabilize the fan are very small, the continuous movement of the
fan, albeit slight, could eventually fatigue the cables if they wrap around sharp edges.
We recommend the following sequence to attach the cables:
Attach the cables to the building structure first. Install two clamps per cable. Go ahead and
tight them, so that part of the job is completed.