Service Procedures
Blue Seal Evolution Series GT45 / GT46 / GT60
Moffat Ltd, January 2007
Revision 1/
1) Open door, and using screwdriver turn the
pilot adjustment screw.
Turning the screw anticlockwise increases the
pilot flow.
Turning the screw clockwise decreases the
pilot flow.
1) Remove thermostat control
knob (two
2) Fill fryer with oil. Light pilot burners and turn
on burners. With temperature probe in oil,
run burners until oil temperature reaches over
150°C. If it is a replacement thermostat
rotate the shaft a maximum of one full turn
anticlockwise and allow fryer to heat the oil.
When the burner has cycled off, turn shaft
again (max 1 full turn) until 150-200°C range
is reached.
3) Turn thermostat shaft until cycling on/off
point reached. Check oil temperature and
find point at which rotating shaft back and
forth slightly will cause burners to cycle on/
4) Recheck oil temperature (should be between
150°C and 190°C) and refit control knob with
pointer at temperature setting on control
panel that reflects actual oil temperature.
Allow fryer to cycle and make any fine adjust-
ments of knob position if required.
Figure 6.3.1
6.3.1 Pilot
6.3.2 Thermostat
6.3 Adjustment / Calibration
6.3.3 Operating
1) Unscrew operating pressure test point on the
gas control valve.
2) Fit manometer (pressure meter) to test point.
3) Light main burners.
4) Remove regulator cap.
5) Adjust operating pressure by turning regulator
screw until correct operating pressure is
NAT gas: 1.0 kPa
LPG : 2.75 kPa
Figure 6.3.3