Y ellow
B lack
R ed
G reen
O range
B rown
12 V (B attery)
G round
Ignition S witch (12V )
R adio M ute
Instrum ent Illum ination
(N ot Used)
R C A M ale P lug s
S tereo out R ight (R ed)
S tereo out Left (W ht)
M icrophone
iP od
To M ono Speaker
for hands-free audio
R ed (+) W h ite
B lueTraks G P S -211 N avigator
(O ptional)
A N T .
A ntenna
G P S C able
Parts included with the BT-211P and BT-211N
OEM Interface Cable
ABS Plastic Mounting
Trim Panel
iPod Cable
Parts included with the optional GPS-211 and BT-211N
GPS-211 Navigator
Remote Unit
GPS Cable
GPS Antenna
BT-211 and GPS-211 Installation Guide
© 2008 BlueTraks, Inc. All rights reserved. Rev 1.
BT-211 Wiring Diagram
Also included but not shown: Hands-free speaker unit and 12’ microphone extension cable.