BLUETREK mini-clip I 10
Pre-registered numbers feature
-This feature allows you to store your 2 favourite numbers in your BLUETREK® mini-clip
headset and to dial these numbers directly from your headset.
(Important: This feature is only available in the Hands-free profile).
Storing your favourite numbers
1) Ensure your BLUETREK® mini-clip headset is paired and connected with your phone.
2) Enter numbers following the syntax describe below as your mobile phone name
(Please refer to your mobile phone manual to change your phone name. In most phones,
the mobile phone name is under the “Bluetooth” menu)
The number you wish to store,
in national or international
format, with maximum of 15
Either “1” or “2”,
depending on which
position you want the
number to be stored.
Fill in the letter “S”
Fill in the letter “T”
Example 1: To store “0123456789” in position 1 = 1S0123456789T
Example 2: To store “+44123456789” in position 2 = 2S+44123456789T