© BlueView Technologies Corp
BlueView BV5000 User Handbook
Reinstall Drivers
Try reinstalling the drivers. Refer to the “ Installing the Pan and Tilt Drivers”
section in this manual.
If you were not able to connect to the pan and tilt, go on to the next section
“Reinstall Drivers.”
Verify Com Port Settings
Verify the Com Port Settings. They should be set as follows: 9600 baud, 8
data bit, parity none, 1 stop bit, no flow control.
If you were not able to connect to the pan and tilt, go on to the next section
“Check Connectors.”
Check Connectors
It is not uncommon for topside connectors to get pulled out of their ports or
subsea connectors to get corroded. Power-down the system, and check the
condition and proper seating of all connectors in the system.
If you were not able to connect to the sonar, go on to the next section “Check
Check Power
If the sonar does not receive the correct DC voltage on the correct pins, it can
not operate properly. Faulty power supplies, tripped breakers, and damaged
cables can all be the source of this problem. The best way to verify proper voltage
is by measuring the voltage at the sonar connector using a multimeter. Refer to
the hardware manual using the detailed connector/pin information in Appendix A
of the is manual