Every 3 months the handles need cleaning and grease
to protect the parts from sweat, dust, dirt and water.
1: Remove the adjustment handle and disassemble
the handle completely into a screw, a spring, a
handlegrip, a main screw and a brass washer, see
fi gure 9.
2: Clean all the parts thoroughly one by one using a
steel brush. If the residue is extreme, a sharp object
can be used, for example a screwdriver.
3: Lubricate the internal parts with grease before
Figure 9
reassembling the handle. Remember to lubricate
inside the handle as well.
4: Reassemble the handle by inserting the main
screw in the handle grip.
5: The spring is inserted into the top of the handle
and fi xed in place with the remaining screw.
6: Tighten with a 5mm Allen wrench.
7: Add grease to the main screw before mounting
it on the cycle.
By pulling the handle it can
be turned freely.
Please note
Never use a tool when
tightening the adjustment
handle on the cycle.