Preparing for departure continued…
Enter a flap setting of 5 into LSK 1L. Enter a FLX temperature of 54 into
LSK 2L. Enter a value of 25 for the CoG (Centre of Gravity) into LSK 3L. Set
TRIM accordingly. The v-speeds for the aircraft will have been
automatically calculated. Press LSK 1R, 2R and 3R to confirm them. There
will be no need to enter weather information for this flight today as it is
beyond the scope of this tutorial.
Point of no return. Committed to
Point of rotation. Smoothly pull the
yoke back to lift off the ground.
The slowest safe speed to continue
climbing on only one engine.
Press the VNAV (Vertical Navigation) button on the FMC. VNAV manages
the automated climb, cruise and descent of the aircraft. By default, a
transition altitude of 18,000ft will be displayed. In Europe, a transition
altitude of 6,000ft is used. So, enter 6000 into LSK 3R. Check for route
discontinuities by scrolling through the LEGS page – but there should be
none. The programming of the FMC is now complete!
Now, it is time to enter some information into the A/P (autopilot). We do
this by adjusting values on the MCP. Turn the altitude knob until a value
of 35,000ft is shown in the altitude window. Set the heading to the runway
heading, which is 270, by turning the heading knob. Also, speed will be
set to V2+10, so enter a value of 159.
Go to the overhead panel and turn on WINDOW HEAT for all windows.
Set EQUIP COOLING to auto. Turn on L PACK, TRIM AIR and R PACK. Set
BLEED AIR to auto. Set the L ENG, APU and R ENG generators to auto. Set
FWD and AFT pressurisation to auto.
We are ready for pushback!