Orion ISS
This Installation Manual contains the instructions that must be followed for proper installation
and commissioning the S2000-IPDL detector.
The detector is described and the rules to adjust and operate it are discussed in the User’s
Manual (which can be found at the site of the Bolid Company
in the section
PRODUCTS at the page of S2000-IPDL).
The detector is a source of danger neither for human nor for protected material
assets (including the emergency situations).
The design and circuitry of the detector ensure its fire safety during operation
(including emergency operation).
As to methods of human protection against electric shock, the detector meets
the requirements of Class III as per Russian GOST
In terms of voltage values, the detector is not dangerous to human life and
health, but during repair, inspection, installation, and operation it is necessary to
comply with safety measures in accordance with Regulations for Operation of
Consumers’ Electrical Installations and Safety Rules for Operation of
Consumers’ Electrical Installations.
While installing and maintaining the detector please comply with the rules for
working at heights.
2.1 The units of the detector should be attached to the building structures generally with the
help of mounting kits supplied:
Kit No.1: Designed to attach the transceiver unit and to fasten the housing additionally (if
necessary) on completing commissioning.
Kit No.2: Designed for attaching an S-Type (small) reflector or a remote indicator and
control unit.
Kit No.3: For an XS-Type (extra small) reflector.
Kit No.4: For an L-Type (large) reflector.
In specific situations (for example, when the detector components can be fastened only by
means of threaded joints) another fixture elements can be used. Anyway, it is necessary to
provide reliable fastening without gaps, drifting, and any motion of the detector’s elements while
in operation.
Beam Smoke Detector
Installation Manual