can be used to flush the black water tank. If it does
not, the best method of rinsing the tanks is to make
certain the slide valves are closed and then partially
fill the black tank through the toilet and the gray
tank by turning a faucet on in one of the sinks; open
the slide valves again to allow the rinse water to
empty. When they are again empty, close the slide
valves. Disconnect the sewer hose, rinse it, and
replace it in its carrier.
When you are parked at a campsite with sewer
hookup facilities, connect the drain hose, making
sure the connection is tight so septic odor does not
come back into the coach. A secure connection to
the sewer hookup is highly recommended, and, in
some cases, required by the campground. The
valves should remain closed until the tanks need to
be emptied. The method for emptying the black
waste tank and the gray water waste tank is the
same as previously described.
Seasonal Protection –
NOTE: Do not use automotive
type antifreeze.
This ethylene glycol
type antifreeze is poisonous
and is not approved for potable water systems.
Two gallons of RV antifreeze will be sufficient for
this process:
For all models, make sure the water pump,
water heater and gas are turned off.
Relieve pressure in the water lines by opening
and then closing a hot and cold faucet.
For (6) gallon water heater models, turn the
valves on the back of the water heater to the
bypass position so water can flow through the
system but not into or out of the water heater.
All (3) valves should be in a vertical position.
Go to the outside of the motorcoach, open the
water heater access
door, and open the
pressure relief
valve (Figure 5.5)
(C) to relieve
pressure in the
tank. Remove the
anode rod (D) from
the tank to drain
the water from the
heater. When the water heater has been drained,
close the pressure relief valve. Leave the anode
rod out until the water heater is again needed.
Refer to your water heater manual for more
information on winterizing.
For all models, locate the fresh water tank;
follow the white outlet hose to a drain valve that
allows water to drain through the floor of the
motorcoach. Open the valve to drain the tank.
After the fresh
water tank has
been drained,
close the drain
Continue to
follow the
white hose
from the drain
valve toward the water pump to a brass 3
siphon valve (Figure 5.6). Turn the handle (E)
so it is perpendicular to the direction of the
water line. The 3
way siphon valve will be later
used to add RV antifreeze to the lines.
Search for other
drain valves
(Figure 5.7)
throughout the
motorcoach and
open them (F) so
water can drain
from the lines.
These drain
valves may be
located below the kitchen sink, below the stove,
below the vanity, or near the water heater. To
assist in the draining process, open all hot and
cold faucets to allow air into the system. When
draining the lines to the outside shower, press
the lever on the shower head while opening the
hot and cold faucets.
When all of the lines have been drained, close
all drain valves and faucets.
Locate the brass 3
way siphon valve and
remove the protective cap. Replace the cap with
one end of the siphon hose and place the other
end into a container of RV antifreeze. (Make
sure the valve handle is pointed toward the
siphon hose.)
Turn on the water pump and then individually
turn on the bathroom vanity faucet, tub faucet,
showerhead, toilet, toilet spray hose, outside
Figure 5.6
Figure 5.7
Figure 5.5