Boru Stove Model:
Serial Number of Stove:
Agent Purchased From:
Date of Purchase:
Invoice Number:
Customer Name:
Customer Contact Number:
Email Addres
Customer Address:
Installed by:
Installers Contact Number:
Email Address:
Installers Address:
Date of Installation:
Chimney draught reading:
__________ Without Fire _________ With Fire
Air Supply Compliance:
Installers Signature:
Please sign to confirm your understanding of the terms and conditions over leaf and that all information
given is correct and installation conforms to the latest Building Regulation Technical Guidelines F, J & L
Please note that Boru Stoves cannot cover installation of replacement parts or stoves. This must be done at the customers own expense. Any expense
incurred by Boru Stoves or its agents or dealers in recovering or inspecting a perfectly functioning stove outside of the terms of extended warranty
will be at the expense of the stove owner.
A call out charge will apply if our engineer attends any stove problem which is not related to product failure and/or which is not covered
under our terms of extended warranty cover.
Please note you must submit a copy of your invoice when submitting your extended warranty details, failure to do so will result in your
extended warranty being inactive.
Customers Signature:
Phone: 0504-59033
Please be advised your extended warranty must be activated within three months from the day of purchase. After this Righpur Ltd t/a Boru Stoves will cancel their offer of
extended warranty. If you require confirmation of an activated extended warranty please include a stamped addressed envelope or provide us with your email
This form must be completed upon installation and returned to:
Boru Stoves, Boru House, Templemore Road, Thurles, Co. Tipperary, Ireland
This form must be filled out IN FULL and in BLOCK