Access Easy Controller
Overview of Access Easy Controller™ | en
Bosch Security Systems
Hardware Manual
Ver 2.0.0 | 2006.07
Basic Access Easy Controller Configuration
Access Easy Controller - The basic Access Easy Controller consists of single metal enclosure
containing five circuit boards: a CPU, a 4-reader controller, a Secure/Communication card,
Power supply card and a RS485 Convertor card. There is space inside the enclosure to add
one additional controller card, either a second 4-reader board, or an optional 8-Input/8-Out-
put card. Space is also provided for a 12-volt standby battery. The controller is powered from
an external 18-volt transformer (for UL Listed system) or 15VDC Power Supply Unit (for CE
and UL Listed system). The enclosure is key locked and is equipped with a tamper switch to
detect when the controller door is opened.
CPU Card
- The CPU card contains a microprocessor, RAM memory and all necessary elec-
tronic circuitry to interface with the other circuit boards. The CPU card also contains the
hardware and software needed to interface to an Ethernet-type network and to communicate
with host computers using TCP/IP protocol.
- The 4-reader board contains all circuitry necessary to interface with, and
operate, up to four card readers. It also provides wiring termination points for the readers,
door strikes or magnetic locks, door contacts and request-to-exit devices. The reader board
interfaces to the CPU card via the RS485 Convertor card. Power for the board is provided by
a separate two-wire connection from the Power Supply Card.
8-Input/8-Output Card
- The 8-Input/8-Output card provides the circuitry necessary to moni-
tor 8-alarm type (non-reader) inputs, and to control up to eight external devices, such as bells,
fans, lights, etc. The card also provides wiring termination points for the input and output
devices. The card interfaces to the CPU card via the RS485 Convertor card. Power for the
card is provide by a separate two-wire connection from Power Supply Card.
Power Supply Card
- We have categories the Access Easy Controller system into UL Listed
system and CE Listed system. The UL Listed system consists of a 18VAC Power Supply Card
that takes in an external 18VAC and converts it to 12VDC and 5VDC that are needed by the
electronics. Whereas, the CE Listed system, uses a 15VDC Power Supply Card that takes in
15VDC from a Power Supply Unit and converts it to 12VDC and 5VDC. In the rest of this man-
ual, we will provides both the configuration and installation of the UL Listed system and CE
Listed system.
Convertor Card
- The RS485 Convertor Card provides the communication link between the
CPU card and rest of the cards, mainly the 4-Reader Controller Card and the 8-Input/8-Output
Card. Power for the card is provided by a separate two-wire connection from the Power Sup-
ply Card
Access Easy Extension
- A metal enclosure identical in size to the basic controller. It contains
a power supply card, and space to install up to three additional reader controller and/or Input-
Output cards. A RS485 Convertor card is used to connect the interface cards in the expansion
controller to the main controller. Power to the expansion controller is provided from a sepa-
rate 18-volt transformer for UL Listed system or a built-in 15VDC Power Supply Unit for CE
Listed system. Space is provided within the expansion chassis for a 12-volt standby battery.
Industrial Compliance