Firmware Update
1070 066 028-101 (01.05) GB
Starting the download
Proceed as follows:
1. Click on the ”Start” command button in the ”Firmware download” dialog.
Then, the system checks whether the hex file necessary for the download
is available. If this check was successful, you will be requested in an infor-
mation dialog to activate the ”Bootstrap mode” on the drive.
2. Activate the bootstrap mode on the drive.
You need 2 pointed objects for this purpose, because the required but-
tons are operated through holes on the front panel of the inverter:
Press boot button below the two LEDs (FG and FGI) and hold it
down. For this purpose, carefully press down the signal cross-link
X810, which covers up the button.
Press RESET key (below X99) and release it. Then, within 2 seconds:
Release boot button and hit ”Yes” command button in the information
If error messages are displayed, the required activities may not have
been completed within the 2 sec timeout.
In this case, acknowledge the error messages by hitting ”Ok”.
The system will open an information dialog in which you are requested to
RESET the drive and call up the ”Init module type” function.
Follow the instructions displayed and then confirm the information dialog
by hitting ”Ok”.
Repeat this procedure from point 1.
If no communication can be established even after several at-
tempts, reduce the data transmission speed to the lower next level.
If the bootstrap mode was successfully activated, the download to the in-
verter will be started. The 7-segment display shows:
(deleting the existing firmware), then
If the power supply of the devices involved, or the link between
them, is interrupted while the firmware is deleted or programmed,
the drive inverter will no longer have a firmware suitable for commu-
In this case, restart the DSS in offline mode and select EXTRAS
Restart the download process as described above. In the course of
this process, the window for establishing connection is displayed.
3. When this process has been completed, press the RESET button (below
X99) or toggle the 24V supply to the drive off/on.
Now the drive will be rebooted.