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Adjusting the MAIN MENU
6.2.2 Temperature levels for the operating
Menu: Heating > Parameter
Use this menu to permanently set the
temperature levels for the 3 operating modes
) to suit
your personal preferences and your home.
Menu: Heating > Parameter > Heating levels
Use this menu to set the required room
temperature for each of the operating modes:
= maximum temperature required
(e.g. when the living areas are occupied and
the occupants require a comfortable room
temperature). Solid segments on the display
indicate the period for which this operating
mode is active.
= average temperature required
(e.g. when a lower temperature is sufficient or
when the home is empty or everyone is in bed
and you do not want the house to cool down
too much). Empty segments on the display
indicate the period for which this operating
mode is active.
= minimum required temperature
(e.g. when the home is empty or everyone is in
bed and it is OK for the house to cool down).
Consider any pets and plants.
For menu structure and setting ranges
page 32.
6.3 DHW program
Main menu: Domestic hot water
Display of the segments for
heating programs C, D and F
(individual temperature profiles) is
also dependent on the settings
made here.
The DHW program is only available
for FR 100 with code 1 on a heating
appliance with BUS-enabled
Heatronic 3 and for FR 110
chapter 4 on page 18).
Set the DHW temperature controller
on the heating appliance to the
maximum required DHW
For FR 110: If a DHW cylinder is
connected to the IPM downstream
of the low loss header, turn the flow
temperature controller on the
heating appliance fully clockwise.
If the DHW program changes from a
higher to a lower temperature, the
water in the cylinder will not
immediately cool to the lower
temperature, i.e. water at a higher
temperature will continue to be
available for some time. However,
the cylinder will not be reheated
until the temperature falls below
the new set temperature.