The default (static) IP address of the NY4114 MCU is The
network mask is and no default gateway IP address is set
24V System power supply
The 24 V power supply generates all the supply voltages for the following
MCU module installed in the system housing
All drive modules installed in the system housing
All encoders connected to the drive modules
USB port
Input voltage
+24 V ± 5%
Typical 7.2W (0.3A), power supply required for connected
drive modules, encoders, microUSB and microSD card not
Support inrush currents of 3A (6A for 10 ms), to prevent
startup problems.
Tab. 7-6:
NY4114 24V System power supply
When you determine the system power supply requirements of the 24V
power supply, you must take into account that the external power supply
must be able to deliver this power at a voltage lower than the nominal voltage
of 24V. The MCU module incorporates a converter for all other voltages
required by the logic in the node. At the moment that this converter switches
on, the external power supply must be able to supply the full power required
for the entire node, including the connected encoders. The minimum level at
which the converter switches on is 16.2V. This means that the external power
supply should be able to deliver at least 1.5 times the nominal current at 24V
required for the node. The chosen external system power supply must be
able to fulfil this current requirement, and must support inrush currents of 3A
(6A for 10 ms) to prevent startup problems.
USB port and encoders
The USB port and the encoders (connected to the drive modules) share the
same power supply on the NY4114 module. The output of this power supply
is 5.25V and the maximum current is 4A. The USB 2.0 specification specifies
a maximum current of 500 mA for a connected USB device. However, if the
connected encoders require more than 3.5A, the current available for the
USB device decreases. The USB port on the NY4114 module is designed for
memory sticks. These devices require typically less than 100 mA.
Service Mode and Stop Axes Inputs
Number of digital inputs
2: INP_Service_Mode, INP_Stop_Axes
Enter service mode
Stop all axes in node
NYCe 4000 Multi-axis motion control system Hardware Sys‐
tem Manual
NY4114: Ethernet MCU Module
R911337671_Edition 18 Bosch Rexroth AG